Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sports Fest Part III


Who knows that word??

Definitely not the the students in IIC-Cainta! They only have one aim, and that is to win.

Because of that, our school spared another saturday to give way to basketball championship. Here are some photos we provided just for you.

shoot it boy!

my goodness, pasok na pasok!

The winners w/ ISAC Moderator Ms. Anne Tonito

Sportsfest flicks

Despite the heavy rains of angry storm, Informaticians couldn't control their fiery desires to beat each other’s team. Everybody was so eager to grab the chance of winning. However, the management was concern of the student's health a fair reason to have the sports fest postponed. Although dismayed, students respected the decision and the event was re-scheduled on July 25, 2009 8:00Am Pasig GreenPark Court. The good thing is, the students remained energetic and challenged until that day. It’s like the cancellation added more thrill and fun! Let us show you a short video of the IICC sports fest part II :)